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. Klotz, Associate Probate Judge. Sammy Lovan appeals the probate court’s decision that the decedent had an ... Iowa Department of Human Services filed a claim in probate, under Iowa Code section 249A.5(2) (2009), for $88,598.68 for ... probate court to determine One Lo’s interest in the real estate. Sammy testified that he made only $4470 in 1989
probate court’s order denying their motion for summary judgment that alleged an action by family members to reopen ... affirm the probate court’s order denying summary judgment. I. Background Facts and Proceedings Carroll Sampson died ... . Although they were aware of Carroll’s death, notice of the probate proceedings was not given to the residuary
 22, 2003. On November 17, 2003, attorney Sanders appeared before the associate probate judge for an order setting fees ... designated beneficiary. Based on the values shown in the inventory recapitulation, the associate probate judge fixed the ... advised the associate probate judge of the action it had taken with respect to the deduction claimed for the executor’s
decedent appeals after the probate court overruled his motion to strike the amended report and inventory filed by the ... , Joan Mohr, Jerry’s sister-in-law, filed a probate inventory listing Jonathon Langerman as an heir to the Iowa estate ... and replies and other motions were made by the parties. Following a hearing, the probate court granted the
District Court for Linn County, Ian K. Thornhill, Judge. A plaintiff appeals the probate court’s rejection of her ... admitted to probate March 1, 2013. Dennis appointed two of his sons, James Drahos and Michael Drahos, to serve as co ... -executors. The will devised Dennis’s property to his five children in equal shares. Kathy filed a claim in probate on
challenges the probate court’s ruling on the estate’s homestead exemption. AFFIRMED. Michael G. Byrne of Winston ... Linnzi Keller, the mother of Cory’s sole heir and the co-administrator of Cory’s intestate estate. The probate court ... his work, we affirm the probate court. I. Facts and Prior Proceedings Cory Timm worked as an itinerant hail repair
restrictions imposed by law.”). This case arises from Arzberger charging and collecting extraordinary fees in a probate case ... estate, and probate work. Over the years, she has had a commendable record of public service and community ... estate. On July 5, Arzberger sent Nepstad a letter outlining the probate process. Arzberger told Nepstad that “[t]he
, P.J., and Danilson and Mullins, JJ. 2 DOYLE, P.J. Leonard Liddle’s will was admitted to probate and his ... estate opened on July 7, 2011. Notices of probate and appointment of executors were mailed to the devisees, including ... . Rather, his notice was sent to his various businesses’ street address, 1404 4th Street SW. Notice of probate and
Vaitheswaran and Eisenhauer, JJ. 2 EISENHAUER, J. Is written notice of a probate proceeding required to be ... . Scrimsher, was appointed executor of her estate. He did not send notice of probate to the Department. Probate notice ... filed a claim in probate on May 27, 2004. Trial was held on March 29, 2005. On July 5, 2005, the district court
. Background Facts and Proceedings. The following undisputed facts were presented to the probate court. Anna ... beneficiaries Robert Hanlen, Rebecca Hansen, and Tammi Fagan filed a petition with the probate court, requesting the court ... ] Street.” The petitioning trust beneficiaries then moved for summary judgment, asking the probate court to “declare
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