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found to be invalid, and Edith’s 2005 will was admitted to probate instead. 5 then mailed the form to Edith, Edith ... completely remove Kenneth from her estate planning. It was Edith’s 2005 will that was admitted to probate after it was
accountings of withdrawals from the trust account, with the exception of several real estate closings and probate matters ... several real estate closings and probate matters. Cross admitted these deficiencies in his substituted and amended ... , prematurely withdrew fees in a probate case, and misrepresented her trust account practices on her client security
admitted to probate nine days later. Just over a month later, Tom sent Hill an e-mail stating the sisters 16 and ... estate” listed by Cynthia as Milton’s executor on the probate inventory. 18 satisfactory evidence supported ... in probate matters. Moreover, the sisters countered Walker’s testimony not only with their own experts, but through
filed in this Court is a guardianship akin to a probate guardianship under Iowa law and that the district court ... sitting in probate has jurisdiction to determine if the guardianship should continue.” 7 Susan Gauger, a
Ginkel, 809 N.W.2d at 100, 102 (finding a violation where an attorney, in a probate matter, allowed the estate to ... Board’s investigation of a probate delinquency. (The Board ultimately determined there had been no neglect, but had to
Polk County, Craig E. Block, Associate Probate Judge. Considered by Vaitheswaran, P.J., and Potterfield and McDonald ... : Because no one objected to the conflict of interest generated by counsel’s dual representation in probate court, no one
Increased Trustee Fee, In the Matter of the LTB 2002 Irrevocable trust, et al., Probate No. TRPR039102 (Iowa Dist. Ct. Linn Co.) (John Telleen, Dist. Ct. Judge) Jan. 23, 2018 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Judgment Entry, LoriAnn Busse and Lisa Caprentier v. Maureen Kenney and Lavern and Audry Busse Dynasty Trust et al., No. EQCV 083014 (Iowa Dist. Ct. Linn Co.) (John Telleen, Dist. Ct. Judge) June 14, 2017 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Judgment Entry, Busse, et al. v. Busse, et al ... ., No. LACV 083022 (Iowa Dist. Ct. Linn Co.) (John Telleen Dist. Ct. Judge) May 22, 2017 Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, William Van Horn et al, v. Van Horn Farms, Inc., et al., No. LACV039149 (Iowa Dist. Ct. Carroll Co.) (Michael Huppert, Dist. Ct. Judge) Feb. 8, 2017 Declaratory Ruling on Probate Fees, In the Matter of Willenborg, No. TRPR 027914/ESPR 044243 (Iowa Dist. Ct. Dubuque Co.) (Annette Scieszinski, Dist. Ct. Judge) Dec. 30, 2016 Declaratory Ruling, In the Matter of Willenborg, No
investigations. He was admonished in 2007 for failing to cure a probate delinquency, and in 2010, he was admonished for
“the person in probate,” while the guardian testified (in response to an unrelated question) that “[t]here was a judge
. 7 The Iowa Probate Code authorizes the appointment of an administrator in
of 49
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