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Justice David S. Wiggins Becomes Acting Chief Justice

November 21, 2019

Following statutory procedures, the Iowa Supreme Court took measures to ensure the uninterrupted administration of justice in Iowa in the wake of the unexpected passing of Chief Justice Mark Cady on Friday, November 15, 2019.
Under Section 602.4103(4) of the Iowa Code, the chief justice shall appoint one of the other justices to act during the absence or inability of the chief justice to act. Chief Justice Cady issued an order November 15, 2016, appointing Justice David S. Wiggins to act in his place in case of his absence or inability to act. 

Under Iowa Code 602.4103(1), Justice Wiggins will serve as acting chief justice until the current vacancy on the court is filled and a chief justice is selected by the fully constituted court. The chief justice selected will serve until the next statutorily required vote is taken at the first meeting of the supreme court in 2021.

For More Information:

Steve Davis
Communications Director
Iowa Judicial Branch
[email protected]

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